Thursday, April 22, 2010


I created a Wiki! The most frustrating part was coming up with a name for my Wiki because every single name I came up with was already in use. Once I was in it was a user friendly program. The help button was actually 'helpful' and well organized. I'm not sure but I think that Wikispaces and Google Docs were pretty much the same service. I could see myself using Google Docs more just because it is part of google.

Wordle Assignment

We have used Wordle in the classroom for spelling words and for our lunch group Circle of Friends. Using Wordle for spelling helps students practice typing the words in and then also having them printed to read and review. We used Wordle in Circle of Friends by typing the expectations of our lunch group. Wordle is a fun way for students to display creatively.

Google Reader

This assignment was really cool. I liked how I could browse and select news feeds to add to the google reader. Out of the 5 that I found, NASET News Alerts was the best. It had very good information and news stories. I picked it because it was an education based news feed.